LYTXOL: The LilyPond ScratchPad for iPhone QUICK-REFERENCE CARD ------------------------------------------ RAW PITCH: Standard-Entry Mode (No duration or octavization) - A-natural [a] AAA - B-flat [bes] BAA - F-sharp [fis] FGG RAW PITCH, Quick-Entry Mode Mode Start Key End-Key: ABCDEFG ------- --------- ------------------------- Natural {4R} {Euro}>%^*+{Yuen} Flat {8R} >%^*+{Yuen}{Pound} Sharp {2R} {Pound}{Euro}^*+={Bullet} - A-natural [a] {4R}{a-QE:€} - B-flat [bes] {8R}{b-QE:%} - F-sharp [fis] {2R}{f-QE:=} - Rest [r] {8R}{8R} or {4R}{4R} - Silence [s] {2R}{2R} PITCH + (low) DURATION (no octavization) - C-natural quarter note [c4] C{4L}{4L} - F-sharp dotted 8th-note [fis8.] FG{8R}E - D-flat 16th note [des16] DC{16+}{16+} PITCH + (low) OCTAVIZATION (no duration) - C-natural, 1 octave up [c'] '{open-curly}CC - B-flat, 1 octave down [bes,] ,|BAA PITCH + (low) OCTAVIZATION + (low) DURATION - G natural dotted-16th, 1 octave up [g'16.] '{open-curly}G{16+}D - F-sharp eighth-note, one octave down [fis,8] ,|FG{8R}{8R} REST and SILENCE (With any duration. Also see Quick-Entry Mode) - Rest by itself [r] rLrLrL or rRrRrR - Silence by itself [s] sL<< or sR|| - Rest half-note [r2] rL{2L}{2L} or rR{2R}{2R} - Silence whole-note [s1.] sL<{1L}{TAB}A or sR|{1R}~G - Rest doubly-dotted quarter-note [r4..] rL{4L}BBC or rR{4R}FFG - Silence, dotted whole-note [s1.] sL<{1L}{TAB}{TAB}A or sR|{1R}~~G - Rest triply-dotted half-note [r2...] rL{2L}AAA or rR{2R}GGG - Silence, 128th-note [s128] sL<{16+}rRrR or sR|{16+}rRrR HIGH DURATION (or high dots) (No octavization. To follow RAW PITCH) High duration numbers follow {16+}: Num {16+} then Dot Dot-termination ----- ---------- ----- --------------- - 32 rL {8L} {16+} - 64 | ' {8R} - 128 rR {8R} {4R} Examples: - 32 duration, by itself [32] {16+}rLrL - Dotted-64 duration 64. [64.] {16+}|'{8R} - 128 duration, 2 dots 128.. [128..] {16+}rR{8R}{8R}{4R} - Whole note duration, with 3 dots 1... [1...] {1R}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab} - E natural, double-dotted half-note e2.. *Note left-duration [e2..] EEE{BKSPC}{BKSPC}{2L}AAB HIGH OCTAVIZATION (No duration, To follow RAW PITCH) - Two octaves up (two apostrophes) [''] ''{open-curly}{open-curly} - Two octaves down (two commas) [,,] ,,|| - Three octaves up (three apostrophes) ,,, ['''] '''{open-curly}{open-curly} - Three octaves down (three commas) ,,, [,,,] ,,,|| - F-sharp two octaves up fis'' [fis''] FGG{BKSPC}{BKSPC}''{open-curly}{open-curly} HIGH OCTAVIZATION + HIGH DURATION (To follow RAW PITCH) - Three octaves down, 32 duration [,,,32] ,,,|{16+}{rL}{rL} - One octave up, dotted-64 duration ['64.] '{open-curly}{16+}|'{8R} - 128 duration, 2 dots, two octaves down [,,128..] ,,|{16+}rR{8R}{8R}{4R} - F-sharp dotted-eigth-note, two octaves up *Note left-duration [fis''8] FGG{BKSPC}{BKSPC}''{open-curly}{8L}{8L} STANDALONE SNIPPETS Hold, slur, hold+slur --------------------- ~ ~~~ ( ((G ) )){1R} (~ (G~ )~ ){1R}~ Manual beaming -------------- [ [G{2R} ] ]{1R}{2R} Tab (2 spaces), return+tabs ------------------------- {TAB}{TAB}{TAB} {TAB}{TAB}A {TAB}{TAB}B {TAB}{TAB}C {TAB}{TAB}D \r\n {TAB}{1L}{TAB} \r\n {TAB}{1L}A \r\n {TAB}{1L}B \r\n {TAB}{1L}C \r\n {TAB}{1L}D Bar, double-bar, repeats ------------------------ | |,{open-curly} |\r\n |rR,{open-curly} || ||,{open-curly} ||: ||,{8R} :|| ||,{8L} Curly braces, variables ----------------------------------- { {open-curly}{open-curly}D = { {open-curly}{open-curly}'D } {open-curly}{open-curly}E }\r\n {open-curly}{open-curly}'E Chords and simultaneous blocks ------------------------------ < < >>C << <<{2L} >> >>{8L} \\ <<{4L}{4L} } \\ { <{2L}{4L}{8L} << { <<{4L}{2L} } >> >>{4L}{8L} Documentation ----------------------------------------- THIS QUICK-REFERENCE CARD C{8L}rL{16+}| (Key-command is shaped like a lowercase h) LYTXOL VERSION INFO C{8L}rL{16+}D (Shaped like a V) ----------------- LYTXOL Version Information: ----------------- LYTXOL: The LilyPond ScratchPad for iPhone By Jeff Epstein: ------------------------------------------ Version ^{version} Date released: ^{release_date} ------------------------------------------ LYTXOL was written using the 'xbn.textexpanderOL' Java library package. (Scroll up for the LYTXOL Quick-Reference Card)